В игре Assassin's Creed: Истоки (Origins) вам предстоит совершить путешествие в Древний
– одну из самых загадочных империй в истории – в переломный период, события которого станут судьбоносными для всего мира. Узнайте забытые легенды, тайны древних пирамид, секреты последних фараонов и историю создания Братства ассасинов, записанную иероглифами, значение которых давно забыто.
В течение четырех лет команда специалистов – создатели Assassin’s Creed IV Черный флаг – занималась разработкой игры, которая станет новым началом знаменитой серии. Вам предстоит освоить полностью переосмысленную боевую систему. Вы сможете с легкостью менять уникальное оружие ближнего и дальнего боя и атаковать сразу нескольких противников. Выбирайте навыки вашего ассасина и выполняйте многочисленные задания, исследуя просторы Древнего Египта. Вы с головой погрузитесь в захватывающие истории, оказавшись в центре событий, которые сформировали облик цивилизации.
https://is.gd/TnZIOJC O D E X
Assassin's Creed Origins The Curse of the Pharaos Crack Only
Release Date : 12/2019 Protection : Uplay+VMP+Denuvo
Discs : 1 Genre : Action
Ancient Egypt, a land of majesty and intrigue, is disappearing in a
ruthless fight for power. Unveil dark secrets and forgotten myths
as you go back to the one founding moment: The Origins of the
Assassin's Brotherhood. Sail down the Nile, uncover the mysteries
of the pyramids or fight your way against dangerous ancient
factions and wild beasts as you explore this gigantic and
unpredictable land. Engage into multiple quests and gripping
stories as you cross paths with strong and memorable characters,
from the wealthiest high-born to the most desperate outcasts.
Experience a completely new way to fight. Loot and use dozens of
weapons with different characteristics and rarities. Explore deep
progression mechanics and challenge your skills against unique and
powerful bosses.
- Extract
- Copy crack from CODEX dir to installdir
- Play
Release Notes:
This is an experimental Proof of Concept release where the Denuvo DRM
and VMProtect have been removed completely from the main executable.
The main idea of this project was to verify whether Denuvo affects
CPU usage and overall performance of this game. We noticed faster
loading times but will leave the rest of the performance comparison
battle to others.
Here is a small tech summary of what has been done:
- VMProtect is fully removed (30 VM entry points)
- Denuvo is fully removed (104 VM entry points)
- All required PE directories are fully restored
(exports, imports, exceptions, TLS)
- Fixed around 500k absolute & relative code and data pointers
The team would like to send out special thanks to our hard working
mate who is responsible for this huge project. This would not have
been possible without you! You rock man!
General Notes:
- Block the game's exe in your firewall to prevent the game from
trying to go online ..
- If you install games to your systemdrive, it may be necessary
to run this game with admin privileges instead
CODEX is currently looking for
nothing but competition!
Greetings to STEAMPUNKS & CPY